Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Another muscle abuelo from Spain Manuel Valbuena (RIP)


  1. manuel valbuen was injecting steroids at 72 years He is fuckin gorgeous extreme shredded and muscle unhappily Manuel died at 72 years car accident ..WOW FUCK The testosterone replacement therapy seems to be GREAT

  2. Grandpas on roids....BADASS..����#MOTIVATION Yeah ok, impressive. Not. No doubt these guys work their butts off in the gym, but they’re not producing that much testosterone naturally.

  3. OMG daddie look at these hot older grandpa's. Motivational testoterone 2018 Amazing what steroids can do that And steroids are awesome you appear to be the perfect specimen. Remeber....its never too late to take roids.

  4. HE appear to be the perfect specimen. steroid is the best thing they ever invented I'm 58 years old and I'm very muscular looks like a young muscle stallion of 30 years old ..fuck it´s Amazing Guys
    FUCK YEAHH steroids are awesome dont you think WWB?

  5. Yes, they're awesome, as long as they're used wisely.

  6. Puta que pariu que garanhão velho é esse 72 anos gostoso desse jeito pena que morreu de acidente de carro porra ele tomava esteroides ate essa idade marcelao?

  7. Parece que ele começou a treinar porque um médico reclamou que ele fumava ou bebia muito, não lembro direito, talvez não usasse esteroides ou então decidiu trocar o cigarro ou a bebida por eles.
