Monday, April 8, 2019

Supreme Lithuanian bull Rolandas Pocius


  1. Puta que pariu que macho bovino Rolandas Pocius é um dos touros mais lindos e suculentos que ja vi por onde ele anda?

  2. Caralho que daddy Bull ele é muito lindo que rosto parece um deus nórdico que homem lindo é este worldwide? Quero casar com ele

  3. São belos e animalescos como o Dainius Barzinskas, Robert Burneika, Arvydas Mickus e Audrius Jegelvicius.

  4. Clicando em Lithuanian bodybuilding abaixo das fotos, vocês têm acesso a todas as postagens sobre atletas lituanos aqui no blog.

  5. Hi there fellas and indeed to you Marcello. It's been absolutely ages since I've posted anything...November of last year! I've had a lot of momentous changes in my life..the ending of a long relationship, moving home and recently meeting a certain someone who is making my very happy indeed. Infact, this someone shares my love of muscle and is more than keen to build it into our special times! Sometimes culminating in him taking a mouth full of my spunk that I've squirted whilst looking at a glorious muscle bull doing a magnificent vein engorged most-muscular! Fuck! Talk about having a wonderful nut busting orgasm! A perfect combo of huge roided muscle and a real-life fella chowing down on my erect cock!
    So here I am looking at a body type that epitomises what I love the most. A huge roided to an inch of his life northern European muscle daddy! Everything about his physique ticks all the muscle lust boxes for me. Mega slabbed muscle - huge rounded pecs, turtle shell abs, oxen style legs and glutes, clad in thin strapped - fake tan splattered posers! And let's not forget a working class muscleman! So, as tempted as I am to drop my trousers right now and crank out cheeky spunk, I think I'll hold back till this evening and enjoy a shared muscle worship sesh with my new buddy. Me, Rolandus, my cock and his hungry mouth! Ker-fucking-splat!

    1. Welcome back, UKmusclenut. I was wondering what happened to you.

  6. Animalesco esse touro litiluano preciso dele como meu marido rolandas tem cara de macho reprodutor provedor adoraria que ele me emprenhasse adoraria ter filhos com ele andar de mão dadas no shopping c ele puts o que eu faço para ter rolandas na minha cama Marcelo?

    1. Eu também gostaria de saber o que fazer. Acho que só nos resta recorrer ao mundo das fantasias.

  7. I love to read your capture the essence of this Eastern European muscle bull...he goes from what looks like to me, on and off season condition. He most certainly is a spunk worthy specimen. Haven't watched the video yet...hoping to have time today and get a good spunk in myself. So glad you're back on the blog...f

  8. Já estou com sede de leite lituano na minha boca! Que cavalão maravilhoso pra chupar por inteiro muitas e muitas vezes e depois deixar ele me arregaçar todo! Parabéns Marcelo bela escolha de macho!
