Sunday, December 23, 2018

British superman Andrew Pickering


  1. Eu amo Uk bodybuilders machos britânicos são belíssimos e tesudos como demônios do sexo o que um macho britânico tem de especial Marcelo? E quais sao seus genes?

    1. Eles são uma mistura de celtas, saxões, anglos, vikings e outros povos. Se o Henry Cavill, que também é britânico, não quiser mais interpretar o superman, o Andrew poderia assumir no lugar dele.

  2. A good friend of mine introduced me to Andrew awhile ago. I must admit I have spunked buckets of man juice to his stunning images. There is nothing on that body that is less than perfect, from the boulder sized to those amazing quads. You can find lots of video on YouTube. He has a lot to say about training and what motivates his training. The big guy in one of the pictures is the incredible Josh Manly...Britain is a wonderland of gorgeous bodybuilding. That working class Viking blood runs deep in these men of steel....F

    1. No I have not...but my British fried has and has spoken to him...maybe he’ll comment.

  3. Puta que pariu por Zeus olha as coxas de cavalo dele parecem coxas de um equino e o tom da pele dele um cor de pele beje claro que tom de pele é essa wwb?

    1. Se o tom fosse um pouco mais escuro, eu juraria que eram coxas de um verdadeiro cavalo.

  4. Esse Marcelo ta ficando devasso e imoral postando homens praticamente pelados no blog. .muito bem continue assim ja que o blogspot classificou o blog como adulto mesmo bota pra foder muito macho nu aqui Marcelo muita bunda e pubes cabeludo e liso tabm muita marca de cabeça de pica nas sungas vai

    1. Mas tenho medo que o Blogger siga o mesmo caminho do Tumblr e proíba imoralidades.

    2. Teve gente que perdeu tudo no tumblr teve gente até que ficou deprimido aquele Eduardo parece que foi um sumiu de vez dos blogs

    3. Que horror. Primeiro o Lukkas sumiu, agora o Eduardo.

  5. Uk bodybuilders are ok if they are mixed race like Nathan Deasha but the problem is their accent, well the accent form the north of uk, it is really difficult to understand and can be really brutish and not in a cool way.

    1. Scientists recently found out that the first Brits actually had black skin and blue eyes, so Nathan de Asha probably looks more like the early inhabitants of Britains than his white fellow countrymen.

  6. Henry is a wet dream waiting to happen...unfortunately I don’t think he plays for our team...

  7. Re gluteos z: ".. the pure white race of Britain"?

    It's a shameful observation in the 21st century. You read like a throwback to Nazi Germany; the regime then also prized blue eyed white blonds above all others. Do some research, have some respect. Get your head out of your "gluteos."

    1. Right?!? I wasn't going to say anything because invariably these conversations always go the same way. Glad somebody else picked up on it too. Unbelievable (face palm emoji).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
