Thursday, September 6, 2018

Living Czech sculpture Lukas Osladil


  1. Bloody Nora! I missed yesterday's muscle obscenity on legz, Tomas Kasper! What a fucking prize bull of an oxen he is!
    If ever I had my time over again, I'd choose myself some genetically gifted parents (sorry Mum and Dad), start weight training at the age of 6, roiding at 16 so hopefully by the time I got to around 30 I'd be an utterly juiced muscle bull with daddyesque tendencies to see me through into my muscle obsessed old age! I'd revel in waddling through my town, turning the heads of my neighbours and frightening little kids yet knowing there'd be guys across the globe, like me, lusting and spunking to my image. Id also continue to be gay so I can enjoy all that attention, sex and butt plug action from my equally obsessed and jacked admirers!
    In order to help me even further, I think I'd choose to be born somewhere in Eastern Europe, where the muscle bull factory that Anonymous F spoke of is located. I mean, it must be true, as its constantly churning out mega herds of full on, extreme slabbed obscenities! Another thing being is that they're all so bloody gorg! Maybe not always classically handsome (like our man Lukas) but who gives a shit about pretty boys when they've got physiques like this! It's the mounds of shredded muscle that makes him so utterly spunkworthy!...........I love Muscle Munters!

  2. Lukas Osladil tem os melhores rabos do bodybuilding puta que pariu que bunda corpo perfeito
    Ja deu muito esse rabao não Marcelo?

  3. Gostoso um cavalo o lukas Osladil a bunda dele é um monumento um monumento de cavalo ja vi vídeo dele abrindo o cu esse safado por que esses bodybuilders tao com uma mania de abrir o rabo na cam Marcelo que imoralidade?

    1. Eles amam a prostituição e querem enlouquecer os futuros clientes exibindo suas propriedades privadas.

    2. Adoram uma exibição e putaria verdadeiros prostitutos animais ja vi alguns bodybuilders até heteros exibirem seus cus sem nenhum pudor aqui Samuel Vieira abrindo o cu de touro na cam caralho Marcelo que rabo de touro é esse?

    3. Samuel já fez nu artístico para o site musclehunks ou um desses sites.

  4. Que raaaaaabooo esse cavaludo tem pra mim o lukas tem o corpo mais definido e perfeito o cara lukas e steve orton tem as melhores bundas do fisiculturismo e quem mais Marcelo?

    1. Petar Klancir também está nessa disputa:

    2. Uau que bundao é esse Petar é um rabudasso
