Sunday, September 30, 2018

American mega hunk Joel Thomas


  1. What an unbelievably sexy MuscleGod he is. Thanks so much for posting about him!

  2. Ele está de volta, as primeiras fotos são do campeonato em que ele participou este ano.

  3. Joel Thomas é um príncipe garanhão loiro que macho belíssimo sem dúvida está top 20 dos bodybuilders mais belos do bodybuilding esse principe loiro né Marcelo?

    1. Certamente! E espero que ele continue nos palcos por muitos anos.

    2. Que cavalo loiro dourado eh esse blogueiro cavalão olha esse par fe tetas ultimamente ando obscecado por tetas ultimamente faz um post só dos loiros que estão bombando no mundo hoje tipo joel flex lewis lukas validov cody mattgomery Iain Vallerie Evgeny mishin o belíssimo Daniel Toth e outros tudo num post

    3. Adoro garanhoes loiros puta que pariu são os meus preferidos que seleção ein bom fazer os dos bodybuilders loiros da atualidade todos esses que o zoltan citou estão na ativa né?

    4. Sim, estão, mas não sei quem é Lukas Validov.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. nicolas vullioud ele qiz dizer eu acho

  4. It's so great to once again read comments from John Goode and (after a shorter absence) Anonymous F. Fellas your contributions are always fantastic and I just know you're absolute muscle worshippers to the highest degree.
    I hadn't realised how short this fella is and that may have been the original reason why bodybuilding is figuring so much in his life. But, there is no denying he's bloody gorg and yes, that slight 'dumb ass' look about him is as sexy as fuck when combined with all that slabbed beef. I mean, who needs to care about intellect when you look like that...leave the brains to the ugly people! As pint sized as he is, one only has to look at Lee Priest to see how far he could take it. I hope in a few years from now, he'll be just as juiced, extreme and as demented as that ultimate pint sized antipodean obscenity on legs!
    Marcello..apologies for missing some of last week's posts. You featured some amazing muscle oxen that were right up my street! Superb eye cand indeed!

  5. Hey guys, after reading UKMN’s comments I began to think about the origins of bodybuilding...I think that the Greeks and Romans really understood the idea of physical perfection.
    Their diets were pure and adding size was a natural occurrence. Having traveled extensively in Italy and Greece the worship of physical beauty be gan in the early centuries...gorgeous statues saluting physical beauty. Then nothing seems to happen in th e Dark and Middle Ages...then the Renaissance began in Italy and again artists and sculptors began to salute of beauty of man. So I guess what I’m saying is worship is totally natural. Persute of physical beauty is totally natural. And lucky us we benefit from these men, with a wide range in age and fitness... to view their Masterpiece. God I love this blog....F

  6. Eta trem bão só um bichão rabudo desse la em casa. . Galegão bao
