Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bulgarian brute Krasimir Sarafov

With Jason Momoa in "Conan"


  1. Holy fuck what a bulgarian steroid Bull
    Tesão de touro bulgaro Marcelo ele é um coxudo tesudo ele é touro ou cavalo?

  2. Brutally handsome is the perfect description of this guy...looks like he just just stepped out of a gladiator film. Slaps of muscle on an oversized frame...bursting with resided flesh. As quads are my focus these days...krasimir has an outstanding pair of them...yea Musclemania...I’m dripping a bit of cum on him as well...F

    1. Hey matie! Just to let you know I've posted the first part of my new story on the blog in case you haven't seen it. I know you said you wanted to read it! ;)

    2. Krasimir can be seen in the last Conan movie starring Jason Momoa for a few seconds in a tavern. The film was shot in his home country Bulgaria.

  3. Esse garanhão bulgaro eh um wdemônio do sexo que virilidade um animal capaz de despertar nossos instintos mais animalescos
