Saturday, July 4, 2015

Russian daddy Sergey Povreznyuk


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  2. HOLY CRAP Pure and utter hotness.He’s probably one of the most beautiful men in earth. I’m having a stroke !! I JUST LOVE RUSSIAN BULLS more more

  3. i love arab dudes but i admit These men from Russia are beautiful gorgeous !
    they have way too much chest hair, and way too big tits
    Sergey Proveznyuk is extremely handsome and has a body to die for

  4. putz nem chega a ser um touro musculoso mas tem o nivel de massa muscular do caralho impressionante com são corpulentos e apetitosos estes russos que panturras do caralho fodaças! porra qual a genetica dos russos?

  5. sexy muscle bald beast! this daddy is perfect he ozze testosterone the beauty and the Russian supremacy are unbeatable
    I challenge anyone here prove otherwise who accept my challenge? russian are the most handsome studs of the planet

  6. sexy muscle bald beast! this daddy is perfect he ozze testosterone the beauty and the Russian supremacy are unbeatable
    I challenge anyone here prove otherwise who accept my challenge? russian are the most handsome studs of the planet

    1. i agrre you tadeu! i also love muscle russian boys!! this guy is a dream man Sergey Proveznyuk is fucking handsome one of the perfect and hottest round ass i´ve seen ever
      please dad shake that bubble butt in my face!!

    2. Yes, please more Russian muscle boys

  7. o sacana além de ser gostoso com impressionante shape ainda por cima é um gato que garanhão RUSSO adoro suas madibulas quadradas olhos azuis sem duvida Sergey Proveznyuk é um dos homens mais belos que já vi.

  8. Belo especime macho isso é que é homem meu amigo coisa de louco um monstro muito insano este cara e tudo nele é perfeito imagina isso em off um monstro!!! gostoso do caralho

  9. Maxo bonito do c******isso é um puto musculoso

  10. Good physieque, powerful legs. Calves in the category of Erik Fankhouser - amazing. Bald and totally butch.

  11. Getting ripped like that dude takes work and believing that you can do it.
