Friday, August 3, 2018

Bosnian stallion Adnan Gosto


  1. Well marcello, we're only 3 days into the European Muscle Fest and already you've scored a hat-trick with that well-muscled and also handsome credentials. Adnan is pretty gorg, especially his luscious nips set on those perfectly formed pecs! As well as the easy accessibility od roids, it must also be the rich gene pool due to centuries of war, invasion and cross fertilisation of these various European nations to make such a fantastic and diverse mix.
    But, I know that behind the once referred to 'Iron Curtain' there are some real ugly munters and no doubt some of them will have been lifting and roiding. You see, it may be a little bit quirky of my muscle worshipping tastes, but I do like to see fella who aren't blessed with the most handsome of faces but have still made themselves fucking gorg and spunkalicious entirely on the strength of their huge muscle mass alone. So here's hoping to see some of these types as well... obscene muscle oxen who need not be that good looking!

    1. Certainly the types that may not be regarded as handsome by ordinay people who can't understand the beauty of muscle will be featured here too.

    2. Fuck yeah muscleaddict i also love this type of ordinary ugly men with big muscles
      You can see this type of men with rude ugly face at america latina in brazil have a lot of them mainly in the northeastern state of Paraiba very ugly rude man full of anabolics the foreigners get crazy in horny
      Dont you Marcelo ?

    3. Anybody with a body like that would never deserve to be called UGLY...are you kidding me????

    4. Just yesterday there was a muscle guy in the bus whose face could be considered "ugly" by some, but I found him extremely gorgeous.

    5. Anonymous Adnan Gosto is fucking handsome it does not fit the profile rude ugly face with hot muscle body !I did not refer to him
      UKmusclenut i love muscle guys with rude ugly faces too Did not you answer my comment?

  2. A new day and a new flexing, posing trunk sporting East European muscle freak in WWB to discover!! This is gonna be a GOOD month for muscle! Let's start from the top and work down. OK so Adnan's a bit of a cutie! Not strain your neck, unashamedly gawp and stare and think, "PHWOAR! Who the bloody hell was THAT?!" when you see him in the street cute, but a cutie all the same! OK, let's go a bit further down. Decent delts, pretty lickable pecs, impressive, nicely peaked guns, not bad abs and HOLD IT! OK. What. The. Fucking. Buggery. Bollocks?! Are those what I think they are? Is Adnan wearing....VELVET FUCKING POSERS?! BYE!

    1. Let’s start with the WTF velvet posers. Isn’t there a law against wearing those ugly cock hiding things??? If not there should be. Secondly, I must be missing something. He may not be gorgeous but I find his face masculine and in the shot where he’s wearing jeans...gorgeous. That body look very well put together...good proportions very fuckable...but again. Those posers gotta go...f
      M, day three of the festival doesn’t disappoint...keep’m coming as I will be doing...

    2. Do you know what lads? If I could be a superhero with ANY superpower I wanted I'd chose to be...Trunkboy! And my power? Ridding the world of all velvet posers! OR...maybe I could be a posing trunk fairy. Like the tooth fairy minus the wings! I'd go around replacing all bodybuilders velvet/oversized/none shiny trunks with brand new, super shiny, brightly coloured ones!

    3. Great idea wings,but a super shinny poser.

  3. Puts que garanhão viril essa foto foi a que mais me deu tesão

    Me fale mais das características de um macho Bósnio Marcelo

    1. ta um jumento cavalo coxudo rabudo nessa foto puta que pariu cavalão loiro esses machos da Bosnia são tão exoticos de ondem vem que raça?

    2. Os bósnios são uma mistura de croatas, sérvios e bosniaks. Os sérvios e croatas são eslavos, mas dizem que os bosniaks descendem dos ilírios. Há também ciganos, judeus e albaneses. A Bósnia-Herzegovina era parte da Iugoslávia, assim como a Croácia, Eslovênia, Sérvia, Montenegro, Kosovo e Macedônia.

    3. por isso essa bomba de sensualidade e virilidade são belissimos e tesudos mix de croatas, sérvios e eslavos uauuu

    4. por favor Marcelo me joge na bosnia eu quero chupar todos os garanhões machos de lá e provar de seu semen eslavo com cigano e o verdadeiro gosto de porra de um guerreiro ilírio sera que Adnan Gosto tem esse DNA

    5. Acho que sim, os espermatozoides dele devem conter toda essa mistura genética.
